
Träffade på en gammal bekan låt på internet idag, och jag tänkte direkt på Lars när jag hörde den. Postar den längre ner, Idag ska jag inte göra så mycket :) Var ute på krogen igår, det är bra att man har snälla vänner som bjuder en fattig man på en öl :p Haha tack för igår pojkar :) Och Nathalie också såklart :) Nu ska jag äta ngt ! Ha det bra allihop :) Ooh hoppas min baby kommer hem sen ;) Älskar dig Jessika <33

Pictures painted in my mind on a wall
Each of them depicting a brothers fall
Some died in anger, some died in vain
One suffered in silence never did complain
I never saw you without a smile on your face
And now you've gone to a better place
But i think of you when i hear those songs
Singing of the victory we all long for

You were one,one of a kind
Enduring memories here in my mind
You fought the battle no-one can win
Fought against the enemy within

Now i've known brave men and consider myself strong
But i've never known no-one suffer in silence so long
So easy for us on the outside looking in,
Only you fought the battle no-one can win
And now your gone,you've left this place
In my heart remains a special place
Your spirit is now free from this mortal tether
Courage echoes forever brother echoes forever

So i say....
The legacy you left never will be lost,
We'll keep the flame bright whatever the cost
Now you've joined the greats in a better place
On our lives is an indelilbe trace,
So till the time comes and we meet again
I'll take pride in the fact i could call you friend
And hope i can be as brave as you were,
The memory of your strenght is my only spur

Postat av: Annika

Stuvade makaroner smakar RÖV xD bara bävrar som tycker om det ^^, haha

2009-10-13 @ 13:33:02
Postat av: Sanna

Svar: Vad exakt menar du med oseriösa kommentarer på youtube? Har inte läst dom. :)

2009-10-20 @ 00:31:45

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